WRDSB Disclaimer
Information contained in this application will be shared with the WRDSB Before and After school program for the purposes of placing your child in an available space. Information collected on this application form is subject to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).
RBB Innovations/OneHSN Disclaimer
RBB Innovations Ltd. (“RBB”), operating as One Human Service Network (“OneHSN”), has no role in authorizing, selecting or screening the information that appears on this website, including the childcare providers or any related employees of childcare providers that are entered into the OneHSN Childcare Connect Application & Waitlist and, accordingly, assumes no responsibility for such information contained on this website. RBB disclaims all civil (including breach of contract or negligence) or criminal liability in respect of the manner in which an end user uses or relies on information obtained from this Website.