Child Care Costs
Child care fees vary from program to program and are based on the age of the child and sometimes, on the number of hours they attend.
Contact the child care centre, the home child care agency or school board (or visit their website) for specific details on fees. In addition to
the monthly fees, some programs may charge other fees, so it is important to ask about this ahead of time.
Helping Pay for Child Care
The Region of Waterloo, Child Care Subsidy program helps parents pay for licensed child care so they can go to work or school.
Child Care Subsidy may cover all or part of a family’s child care costs.
To learn more about Child Care Subsidy, visit the Child Care Subsidy website or call 519-575-4400. You can also use the online calculator to see if you may qualify.
Parents can apply for Child Care Subsidy online or over the phone by calling 519-575-4400.
You can apply for Child Care Subsidy up to nine weeks before starting care.

Did you know? You can claim the Ontario Childcare Tax Credit to help cover the cost of child care and camps.